A graphics processing unit (GPU), also occasionally called visual processing unit (VPU), is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to display. GPUs are used in embedded systems, mobile phones, personal computers, workstations and game consoles. Earlier Intel CEO Brian Krzanich revealed the Kaby Lake processors during its IDF 2016 Developer conference and showed the capabilities of Intel’s next-gen Kaby Lake chips on a Dell XPS. The best part is the 7th gen Core processor swiftly handled the 4K GoPro videos and showed us the gameplay of the Game Overwatch without any need for a GPU. Intel claimed that the new Kaby Lake processors can deliver up to 12 percent faster productivity performance and up to 19 percent Faster web performance. The Kaby Lake Processors will improve the battery life of a laptop up to 3 times while playing 4K videos. And not only that Intel has also partnered with studios like Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and providers like FandangoNOW to bring their ULTRA 4K movie streaming services to the users of the Intel’s Kaby Lake processor. Now the time is arrived, as the Intel Kaby Lake Core i7-7700K is already earning a lot of attention among the developers, gamers, and modding communities. Recently few samples of the new Intel Kaby Lake Core i7-7700K have been sent out to the overclocking experts for testing purposes. However, one of the professional managed to overclock the bus speed past the 7.0 GHz threshold simply using new Intel Kaby Lake Core i7-7700K sample chip. Allen “Splave” Golibersuch, a professional overclocker who was able to break the 7.0 GHz limit. Somehow the professional overclocker manages to disable the HyperThreading, and two of the four CPU cores were also disabled simply to achieve this feat. Later when the professional overclocker Splave released the overclocking test results, he said that “the overclocked Intel Kaby Lake Core i7-7700K performed very well with 7.0 GHz (7022.96 MHz) clock speed and even the clock eas also being almost stable”. According to the TechPowerUp, “Splave paired it with an ASRock Z170 OC Formula motherboard, the i7-7700K was bench-stable at 7022.96 MHz, at the chip’s maximum base clock multiplier of 69x, and a base-clock of 101.78 MHz. The Vcore voltage was set at a scorching 2.00V. The chip crunched PiFast in 9.02 seconds, SuperPi 32M in 4 minutes 20.25 seconds, wPrime 32M in 2.953 seconds, and wPrime 1024M in 1 minute 33.171 seconds. Paired with an ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 STRIX OC graphics card, it scored 643,316 points in Aquamark, and 86,798 points in 3DMark 05”.

Intel Kaby Lake Core i7 7700K Gets Overclocked Beyond 7GHz - 1